Influence of the determinants of entrepreneurship in the high school level in state of Tamaulipas


  • Monica Lorena Sanchez Limon Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas en Mexico
  • Abigail Hernandez Rodriguez Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas en Mexico
  • Ana Luz Zorrilla del Castillo Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
  • Yorberth Montes de Oca Rojas Universidad del Zulia



Entrepreneurship, baccalaureate, student education, environment.


Within the framework of the transformations that take place in Mexico, entrepreneurship is promoted, which is one of the new strategies assumed by the State, in which student education is fundamental. The objective of this paper is to study the influence of the determinants of entrepreneurship in the State of Tamaulipas, particularly in high school students. To do this, this research takes two strands of entrepreneurship, first the importance of institutions as regulatory agencies of the environment, through political, social and economic rules (Alvarez et al., 2014, North, 1990, Fritsch y Storey, 2014) and second, managerial skills (Acs y Audretsch, 1990; Laforet, 2013). The methodology consisted in a descriptive analysis, and in the application of a linear regression model, collecting the data through a survey of 26 items applied to 532 high school students of the State. The results obtained indicate that the variables, knowledge of the environment and finances maintain a positive and significant effect with entrepreneurship. The foregoing indicates that the students' environment is favorable to undertake, as the financial training of the students is not considered adequate to start a business, according to the results obtained. It is concluded that it is in the process of promoting a culture of entrepreneurship where the context and finances, mainly the banking sector, plays a fundamental role.

Author Biographies

  • Monica Lorena Sanchez Limon, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas en Mexico
    Profesora Investigadora, miembro del Sistema Nacional de investigadores, Presidenta Nacional de la Academia de Ciencias Administrativas
  • Abigail Hernandez Rodriguez, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas en Mexico
    Profesora Investigadora
  • Ana Luz Zorrilla del Castillo, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas
    Profesora Inveatigadora de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración
  • Yorberth Montes de Oca Rojas, Universidad del Zulia
    Profesora investigadora de la Universidad de Zullia en Maracaibo Venezuela


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How to Cite

Sanchez Limon, M. L., Hernandez Rodriguez, A., Zorrilla del Castillo, A. L., & Montes de Oca Rojas, Y. (2019). Influence of the determinants of entrepreneurship in the high school level in state of Tamaulipas. SAPIENTIAE, 4(2), 280-293.