The qualitative focus. A complement of rationality or a variant of the multimethod in scientific research?
Approach to quantitative-qualitative, multimethod, scientific researchAbstract
This article aims to versioning a series of ideas, concepts and postures methodical and procedural epistemic justifying approach multi-method in scientific research management, thus contributing to the development of scientific work in the social sciences and, why not, in the formal and natural. For this reason, the development of social research in Venezuela has generated the need to discuss and resolve promptly unifying aspects of the epistemological, methodological andoperational treatments in the context of social sciences. Indeed, the acceptance of the complementarity of research approaches (cualitativos-cuantitativos) is determined, the matter now demand to discuss if this complementarity is only a variant of what is now known as the multi-method approach, emphasized by Shaughnessy and Zechmeister, Zechmeister (2007). This methodological proposal, also worked by RuizBolivar (2008)It serves the achievement of an integral knowledge using various methodological and/or procedural Court quantitative way. Hence the theme tratadase look like a novelty in research, inasmuch as seeking the involvement of all investigative roads towards more complete knowledge possible without falling into the management of different routes disregarding supportive processes of research paradigmssupporters of the research processe.References
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