The role of social identities in mitigating the impact of stress on the health of Zungueiras in Luanda: a qualitative study




Street vending activity, social identities, social groups, stress, zungueiras


The zungueiras daily face attacks, seizures of goods, run overs, financial absence, fights, anguish, suffering, theft, fines and fatigue, due to the activity of street commerce. This article, developing research on social identities in Angola in a population that is difficult to access, aims to characterize the most relevant social identities for the zungueiras of Luanda. Data collection used the qualitative method, through interviews analyzed with Nvivo 12. We used as theoretical support the transactional model of stress by (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), which emphasizes coping as a resource for dealing with stress and the theory of social identity (Tajfel & Turner, 1979) which highlights the social identity that serves as a buffer to face stress. The results significantly showed that social groups such as: AVAL, church, kixikila, families and zunga colleagues are the most relevant social identities of the zungueiras who act as stress relievers, unlocking the meaning of the event, for the progression of their activity. We conclude that zungueira women share several situations of street commerce events (zunga) that cause stress. Social groups of belonging, as social identities, play a large role in stress, functioning as a social support resource for these women to deal with stressful events, acting as buffers against the negative effects of stress and helping to face life's challenges, acting in a favorably and positively on self-esteem, self-concept, self-control and encourage the continuation of the street vending activity.

Author Biographies

  • Madalena Vanda Ramos, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

    Madalena Vanda Ramos, mestre em Psicologia social, estudante do Programa Doutoral do curso de Psicologia do Iscte (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa), membro do CIS (Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Social). 

  • Maria Luísa Soares Almeida Pedroso de Lima, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

    Luisa Lima, PhD professora catedratica de psicologia social do iscte (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa).

    Investigadora do CIS (Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Social).

  • Helena Cosma da Graça Fonseca Veloso, Universidade Católica de Angola

    Helena Veloso, PhD, professora auxiliar de Psicologia da UCAN (Universidade Católica de Angola).


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How to Cite

Ramos, M. V., Lima, M. L. S. A. P. de ., & Veloso, H. C. da G. F. . (2025). The role of social identities in mitigating the impact of stress on the health of Zungueiras in Luanda: a qualitative study. SAPIENTIAE, 10(2), 124-140.