Purchase decision and merchandising in supermarkets in Cuenca – Ecuador





merchandising, tastes, preferences, neuromarketing, consumer psychology, purchase decision.


Consumers' purchasing decision is the impulse to acquire goods or services; this impulse, in most cases, merits study from the psychological and sociological field in a market based on value for the client where consumers seek to satisfy their needs, tastes, or preferences. Merchandising is a marketing tool that allows a correlation between the product and the consumer, where it serves to strengthen the point of sale and, as a primary objective, stimulate purchases. The purpose of this research is to analyze the level of incidence in the purchasing decision about the merchandising used by supermarkets in the canton of Cuenca - Ecuador. In this research, information was collected through digital databases and websites with neuromarketing applications. In the same way, an instrument was created, which in this case was a survey carried out among consumers, to obtain information to meet the stated objective and verify the research hypothesis, determining a statistical model that ratifies or rejects the hypotheses. The results reflect a coefficient of determination R = 0.86 and R 2 = 0.734, implying that there is a good correlation of the dependent variable with the independent variables. The impact on consumers' purchasing decisions has been perceived through the application of merchandising strategies, thereby encouraging them to purchase their products.


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How to Cite

Coronel Andrade, M. D., Orellana Bueno, D. V., & Pérez Jara, P. J. (2024). Purchase decision and merchandising in supermarkets in Cuenca – Ecuador. SAPIENTIAE, 9(2), 163-179. https://doi.org/10.37293/sapientiae92.05