Cosmetic surgery and psychosocial motivations. Towards a state of the art and research perspectives.




México, late modernity, plastic surgery, psychosocial motivations.


It is observed that in late modernity cosmetic surgery is experiencing a constant increase every year. Despite being a relatively young area of study, there is already a vast and rich literature that addresses the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery from a psychosocial perspective. In relation to cosmetic surgery, the most studied psychosocial motivations are body image, body dysmorphic disorder, identity, handling of terror, religion, etc. For this, were consulted authors such as: Sarwer, et al. (1998), Behravan (2018), International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (2015, 2018, 2019), among others. In Mexico there is very little research on the psychosocial motivations for cosmetic surgery. The present work proposes as objective a review of the state of knowledge about some of the above-mentioned motivations, with the intention of opening the way in the generation of knowledge in this field of study. The search for suitable materials on the internet was carried out through academic google, excluding all those that are not open access. From the analysis of the materials found, some of the important contributions are recovered, and questions and hypotheses emerge for future research. Finally, it is important to say that the psychosocial motivations for cosmetic surgery, for analytical reasons, are observed separately, although in concrete reality they are usually interconnected, which also broadens the research panorama.


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How to Cite

Pérez García, L., & Almanzar Curiel, A. (2021). Cosmetic surgery and psychosocial motivations. Towards a state of the art and research perspectives. SAPIENTIAE, 7(1), 118-131.