The 4th Transformation in Mexico lacks political subject


  • Robinson Salazar Pérez Director de Investigador de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.



political subject, collective knowledge and memories, popular identities, political articulation.


Mexico, in the voice its President, has started the 4th transformation of the country, it is understood as a substantial change in economic, political and socio-cultural life. A process that involves reforming laws, creating new institutions, redirecting the orientation of economic policy, redistributing income better, adjusting tax policy and, especially, involving civil society in the transformative dynamics; however, the first actions implemented are oriented in the opposite direction to the discursive reasoning, government acts have not incorporated the networks, knowledge and collective memories of existing popular movements, ignores all institutionality, protect in their decision the strategic decisions assumed, not accepts the mediation of empowered groups and the National Regeneration Movement, Morena does not take advantage of the cartography of the various local subjects to create a collective action with a profile of change. The narrative summons the people, uniforms them in a stripped fellow, without rights and forgotten, grants them palliatives but, in practice it tackles participatory impetus. It proclaims the construction of popular identities to add to all the micro local movements, but it drives them away from the substantial decisions; it announces deep changes in the governmental logic but denies the political subject its intervention, ignores the accumulated knowledge and seeks to replace them with unipersonal decisions and, above all, displaces from the political spectrum and operational chess the built strategic spaces and the autonomies of each one of them subjects that made possible the electoral success. The Fourth Transformation without a political subject coupled with the actions of government truncates the purpose of social change; it does not alter the coordinates of the continuity of the neoliberal model.


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How to Cite

Salazar Pérez, R. (2019). The 4th Transformation in Mexico lacks political subject. SAPIENTIAE, 5(1), 182-203.