Entrepreneurship and innovation: enhancing agents of family business
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Family Business.Abstract
The purpose of this paper is to carry out a theoretical reflection on entrepreneurship and innovation as empowering agents of the family business. It is inserted in a qualitative paradigm, supported by a documentary review, specifically texts, and scientific articles derived from a specialized database of recognized authors in the area, such as: Navarro and Villegas (2016), Vesga (2017), Rockefeller (2004), among others. The results show, after the literature review, that there is a need to strengthen innovation to promote the sustainability of this type of companies; likewise, efforts must be reoriented in function of the public policies defined towards the promotion of entrepreneurial activity; these provide the financial resources that should be used for the development of both family businesses and the communities in which they are inserted. There must be an entrepreneurial culture based on innovation that allows the strengthening of the family economy and of society in general.References
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