Vandalism to public property: motivational expressions and preventive approaches for the city of Kilamba




Public property, theft, vandalism, Kilamba city, Angola


This article aims to analyze the motivational expressions of vandalism directed at public property. The text frames different criminological theories in explaining and preventing the phenomenon. The classification of subtypes of vandalism established by Cohen (1984) and the social approaches proposed by Barker and Bridgeman (1994), Goldstein (1996), Levy-Leboyer (1984), Ross (1984), and Merrills (2009) guided the study of vandalism. Literature point of view. Methodologically, it is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. A questionnaire survey was applied for data collection, built with closed questions adapted based on the nominal Likert scale. 310 resident citizens and other people who transit to the City of Kilamba daily were surveyed. The results indicate the existence of a strong tendency towards acquisitive vandalism, expressed by the removal of equipment, motivated by the search for private material gain. In addition to opportunistic actions, incivilities and lack of awareness in the use of public utility spaces and structures are evident. The study identified from the perception of the surveyed citizens that urban furniture and green spaces present characteristics of abandonment, lack of protection, and maintenance structure, being preferential targets for vandals. The research concluded that there are a series of social and physical conditions, such as design, architecture, and decay of urban fabrics, capable of producing acts of vandalism. The phenomenon has affected public order, the functioning, and the accessibility of public services such as water and electricity distribution. Prevention strategies include dissuasive measures, maintenance, and the design of protective structures for public facilities in the city.

Author Biography

  • Milton Ramiro Capita Boma, Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Criminais
    licenciado em Ciências da Educação com especialização no Ensino da Psicologia pelo Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação de Luanda (ISCED-Luanda), mestre em Governação e Gestão Pública pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Agostinho Neto e doutorando em Administração Pública na especialidade de Administração de Políticas Públicas pelo Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa (ISCSP/Ulisboa). Tem pós-graduação em Direcção Estratégica de Enfrentamento pelo Instituto Superior do Ministério do Interior de Cuba, Eliseo Reyes Rodriguez “Capitan San Luís” e especialização em Gestão do Ensino Superior pela Universidade Católica de Angola. Atualmente desempenha o cargo de chefe do Departamento dos Cursos de Pós-graduação no Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Criminais “General - Osvaldo de Jesus Serra Van-Dumen”. Dedica-se ainda a docência, coordenando e lecionando diversas disciplinas nos Cursos de Administração Pública e Ciências Policiais.


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How to Cite

Boma, M. R. C. (2023). Vandalism to public property: motivational expressions and preventive approaches for the city of Kilamba. SAPIENTIAE, 8(2), 189-202.