Comparative analysis of the legal discourse of Venezuelan educational law of 1980 and 2009


  • Otoniell Granados


Educational laws from 1980 to 2009, comparative analysis, Venezuela.


Venezuelan education in the 21st century has represented a landmark educational society for underlying social, economic and political changes in the proposal made by the Government of Chavez for the development of the national education system, under the principles of participatory democracy and leading role. The methodology used in the development of this article was analytical, documentary, based on the comparative analysis of legal, bibliographic and electronic documents including legal documents emanating from the Congress of the Republic of Venezuela (1961, the National Assembly (2009), Giroux (2009), Granados (2010) and Benavent (1966), among others. Issues of interest such as education in the framework of the revolutionary process historical emerging Latin American, the legal foundation of the Venezuelan education in 1980 and 2009 as comparators of the divergent positions of character ideological Economic and educational transition toeducation to the education of the 21st century, missions such as concrete forms of alternative education in Venezuela, social prominence and collective participation, closing as epilogue concerning the Venezuelan education in comparative terms, constitute the themes of the article, whose purpose is to compare similarities and differences of education in Venezuela based on the analysis of the legal content of the 1980 Education Act and the Education Act of 2009, under the principles of democracy representative of the Fourth Republic and participatory democracy and protagonist of the Fifth Republic with the Bolivarian revolution

Author Biography

  • Otoniell Granados
    Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín. Maracaibo, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Granados, O. (2017). Comparative analysis of the legal discourse of Venezuelan educational law of 1980 and 2009. SAPIENTIAE, 3(1), 64-86.