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Author Guidelines

Standards and Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to the Journal “Sapientiae”

1. Works should deal with interdisciplinary research, either theoretical or empirical, from sectors/cases of a local, regional and international nature. Authors should guarantee that the works presented are unpublished and have not been submitted for consideration by other research journals; If the case is presented, the author may be punished with non-publication for an indefinite period in the journal. Authors must provide their personal data and the link to their ORCID in the system at the time of registration.

2. All works are subject to an initial evaluation by the Editor and Editorial Committee (consisting of experts in diverse areas of knowledge); after approval, arbiters will be assigned. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to publish articles that comply with the publication criteria established in the Journal.

3. Works that pass this evaluation will be arbitrated by specialists (mostly external to the publishing instution) in the field of knowledge, specifically, using the “double blind” method. Four results can be obtained: publish without modifications, slight modifications, substantial modifications and not publish.

4. To be published, two positive evaluations of the article must be obtained, even when corrections are presented. In the case of controversies and very different evaluations, a third evaluation will be submitted and the final decision will rest on the editorial committee.

5. After review by the respective arbiters (which should take no longer than 6 weeks), the author(s) will be informed of the necessary correction(s) required by the arbiters, if the article has been accepted. In the same vein, acceptance or rejection of the article can be communicated via Web.

6. The works should be presented in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Additionally, the abstract should be translated into English and have a length of between one-hundred (100) and two-hundred and fifty (250) words; likewise, each abstract should contain between three (3) and five (5) key words, also translated to English, on the abstract page. The abstract ought to contain: the objective, main authors, methodology and conclusions.

7. The accepted length for works is between 15 and 25 pages, using 12-point Font, transcribed at 1.5 spaces, one side only. Longer works may be accepted according to their relevance and contents.

8. The structure of articles should be as follows: Contents: The first 3 pages include the identified abstract, unidentified abstract and the abstract in portuguese; next, the introduction, the body (which will depend on the type of research), conclusions and bibliographical references. It is important to enumerate the sections and subsections and bold titles using left alignment and a title format. If notes exist, they should be placed at the foot of the page. Mathematical symbols and formulae ought to be written with their respective functions using the text editor or support program. Graphics, tables and images should have titles and indicate their sources; if necessary, they should be presented in additional files. The text should be written in third person singular (impersonal) with correct punctuation and spelling, maintaining balance in the paragraph structure.

9. Bibliographic references cited in the text should appear on the list of references at the end of the work (and viceversa). Take care that all references are identified, that the spelling of the names of the author(s) and the dates given in the text are the same as those in the references. Avoid citing unreliable sources, above all in the case of the Internet. Citations should be in the traditional format: Last Names (year, page), removing page numbers for paraphrasing or the use of an idea. In the case of documents from organizations, the name of the organization or institution is cited (year). If there are more than two authors, the word “et al” should be added before the year (only for quotations, because in the references, the names should appear in their complete form). If the quotation is textual and more than 40 words long, it should be separated out in a single-spaced block with a five-space indentation between the right margin and the left.

10. Likewise, bibliographic references should be written in alphabetical order according to the last name of the first author using French indentation. Multiple references to the same author (or identical group of authors) are ordered by year of publication. If the year of publication is also the same, differentiate the references by writing a letter a, b, c, etc. after the year, a format that should also be used for quotations.

11.The APA standard, 7th Edition should be followed: NOTES: » If the name of the author does not appear, the reference should begin with the title of the document or the institution that backs it up. » To write a URL address, especially if it is very long or complicated, use the copy function on the computer or another function. Copy the address directly from the document on the Web and transfer it with the “paste” function to your document. This will assure that the address is error free. » Every article that is external to the editorial source should be adapted to the current standard. Abstain from sending articles in thesis format; thesis results can be adapted and transformed into articles, but documents without due treatment and improvement will not be accepted. » These standards may vary over time; therefore, changes made to them will be published on dates according to their implementation. » For any additional questions regarding the standards, contact the editor or, if this is not possible, the editorial committee through the email

12. Regarding sections of the Journal:

ARTICLES: In the articles section, the following will be published: a. Research articles: Documents that present in a detailed manner the original results of research projects, such as theoretical reviews/discussions regarding one or several variables. b. Review articles: A document with research results where the published or unpublished results are analyzed, systematized and integrated in order to be aware of advances and development tendencies. These are characterized by a careful bibliographic review with at least fifty references. c. Case studies: A document that presents results from a case study. Includes a systematic, commented review of literature on analogous cases.

PONENCES Papers presented at national or international conferences may be included provided they have not been previously published in full text. They are subject to revision and adaptation of norms.

BOOKS REVIEWS Reviews or summaries of texts may be included as annexes according to the novelty/timeliness of the same and their importance in the field of business management. They should be no longer than 5 pages.

DOCUMENTS TRANSLATION Documents may be included that form part of research projects or works or translations by the authors whose length may vary between 10 and 15 pages. They will be chosen according to the relevance of the theme and the contribution. OTHER

DOCUMENTS It can include documents such as interviews, research instruments and any document associated with the research practice that contributes as a source of information for students and researchers.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not under review or for publication by another journal. Otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the Editor".
  • Files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (provided they do not exceed 2MB)
  • URLs for references were provided when available.
  • The text is in space 1,5; Uses a 12-point font; Uses italic instead of underlining (except URL addresses); The figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described.
  • In case of submission to a section with peer review (eg articles), the instructions available for Ensuring the Peer Review were followed.


It will be presented every July as a cumulative annual summary.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.