About the Journal

Focus and Scope

SAPIENTIAE is a refereed biannual scientific journal of the Óscar Ribas University directed to researchers and students, committed to the development of Sciences, especially in the diffusion of knowledge generated through research lines and their respective programs and projects; (Especially related to: Education, Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering, Law, International Relations, Psychology, Public Administration, Management and Marketing, Architecture and Urban planning, Industrial Management, Accounting and Finance).

The scope of the areas is defined by the editorial committee in the revision of the theme to be addressed for each issue. SAPIENTIAE publishes articles, presentations and book summaries.

Peer Review Process

The review is carried out using the double-blind method, after evaluation by the Editorial Committee (the initial review includes the Antiplagiarism review through Turnitin, documents that may have more than 15% similarity are returned to the authors) if this evaluation is exceeded, send them to the referees, who determined whether or not to accept the article. The average response time is two months and referees are selected taking into account their experience in the area of study. The journal relies on the collaboration of external evaluators outside its editorial team and the publishing institution.
The process results in the acceptance of the article (with minor or major modifications) or denial of publication. The editor and editorial committee will ultimately decide on this; if there are differing opinions, further arbitration will be required.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers free and immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public for free provides greater global democratization of knowledge. The journal does not charge for article processing (APC).

SAPIENTIAE meets DOAJ's definition of open access: the copyright holder of an academic work grants usage rights to others using an open license (Creative Commons or equivalent). This allows immediate free access to the work and allows any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.

- The authors publish under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY NC SA 4.0).

You are free to:
Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform and create from the material.
Under the following conditions:
Attribution — You must properly acknowledge authorship, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in a manner that suggests that you have the support of the licensor or receive support for your use.
NonCommercial — You may not use the material for a commercial purpose.
ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must release your contributions under the same license as the original.

- Authors, who retain their rights after publication, are allowed and encouraged to disseminate their works electronically, as well as deposit the article in institutional or any type of repositories.

Complaints and conflict resolution

When a complaint is received about any of the articles, it is reviewed and the right of reply is given to the one who submits the complaint, for that, there is a section: note to the editor, in which are published any clarifications on published articles.
The resolution of issues such as the case of very different evaluations are resolved by obtaining a third evaluation, in any case, the editorial committee decides on the evaluations based on the expertise in each area of knowledge. Any other conflict will be resolved by decision of the editorial committee.

Conflict of interests

At the Journal we are attentive to conflicts of interest that may arise, which is why authors are encouraged to clarify in any case the affinity or problem that may exist with any of the members of the editorial or scientific committee to prevent said issue from influencing the publication of results.
Likewise, reviewers are asked to declare any conflict of interest that could affect their evaluation.
Authors must also declare any conflict of personal, economic or political interest in relation to the preparation of the study.

Revision of plagiarism and falsification

In the Journal we do not support plagiarism and falsification of information, therefore, we recommend our referees verify the information through the check in search engines of information that may come from plagiarism or falsification of information. Those authors who use information without citing the source are informed and their document is rejected.

Ethical statement on publication and good practices

The editorial team of the Journal is committed to the scientific community to ensure the ethics and quality of the articles published. The publication takes as reference the code of conduct and good practices that the Committee of Publications Ethics (COPE) defined for editors of scientific journals.

The Journal assumes the recommendations of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) to which it belongs and of OASPA.

Duties of editors
The editor must always guarantee: Fair play and editorial independence, Confidentiality, Disclosure of conflicts of interest, Publication decisions and Involvement and cooperation in research, following COPE standards.

Duties of reviewers
Reviewers must: Contribute to editorial decisions, Speed, Confidentiality, follow standards of objectivity, acknowledgment of sources and disclosure of any conflict of interest.

Duties of authors
Authors must report data standards, data access and retention, ensure originality and avoid plagiarism, avoid multiple, duplicate, redundant or simultaneous submission/publication, ensure authorship of the manuscript, disclosure of any conflict of interest, reconfirmation of sources, risks and risks in humans or animals (need to declare), participate in peer review and declare fundamental errors in the published work.

Editorial duties
Manage unethical editorial behavior and ensure access to the journal's content.

Authorship Topics
Due to authorship conflicts, the journal follows guidelines of COPE.

Target audiences

Researchers and students of the different areas that the magazine addresses. This includes undergraduate and graduate students, especially those of Masters and Doctorate.

Self-archiving and preservation of digital content

Authors may deposit their articles and documents in the repositories they consider, whether institutional or personal, for the purpose of disseminating knowledge at any phase of the publication process (pre-prints, accepted or final version), without any embargo period.

The magazine preserves its content in PKP PN and LOCKSS

Recommendation on revision of previous editions

It is recommended that the authors review the published issues so that they can familiarize themselves with the style of the journal and also verify if there is any document that can support their work, contributing to the citation of the journal.

Cumulative statistics


Retractions or errata

The Journal follows the recommendations issued by COPE in order to avoid bad scientific practices, it is willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions when necessary based on the following types of errors:

1. Major errors (forgery, fabrication or plagiarism): In the event that a published article presents substantive errors detected by the author and that threatens scientific quality, you may request withdrawal or correction. However, if they are detected by third parties: plagiarism, previous publication, unethical conduct or error, it is the author's obligation to publicly retract, which will immediately proceed to the withdrawal or public correction. The public correction or retraction will be made in the following issue.

2. Minor errors (sampling, procedural, or data analysis errors, failure to reproduce results, accidental omission of information about methods or data analysis): When an error or inaccuracy is discovered significant in the published document, it is an obligation to notify the journal and retract or correct the document.

Informed consent for human research

In the case of research involving human beings, informed consent is required to be able to place the data of individuals or the declaration of anonymity in the information presented. This document is submitted for review to the journal when appropriate.


The SAPIENTIAE Journal is biannual and publishes in January and July of each year with consecutive pagination. The reception of documents is permanent.

Sources of Support